Faith and Love Radio Online Streaming @ Faithandlove685
FaithandLove685. Suffolk first online streaming radio station sponsored by Harris Funeral and Harris Music Production in Suffolk.
Our station will provide Traditional Gospel Music, Jazz, Blues and Smooth R/B Music. We will keep the community informed of current events, Funeral Service times and locations. We have Morning Prayer in the morning and we have church word for the day. We will broadcast live onsite for community functions. A Funeral Home that serves the families with Professional Services with Dignity and Respect along with Affordable Prices. We work for the entire Community to make it a better Place. Call us for more information about your event. The sincerity and the Love for our community strives us to be the Best that we can be! Online type in Live365 internet radio/. Then type faithandlove685 in the space bar and click the gold box with microphone. Live 365 /faithandlove685